The following foodstuffs are good for you: chilli, coriander, raw garlic and onion, ginger, mustard, parsley, and rosemary. Their favourite colours are white and black. Saturn In First House Sagittarius Ascendant (Dhanu Lagna) For Gemini Ascendant Saturn is the lord of the 8th and 9th houses. They are usually on the lookout for invigorating activities to keep themselves mentally and physically. If you are born under Gemini ascendant, you live in the moment. The following foodstuffs are good for you: coriander, honey, marjoram, mint, olive oil, orange blossom, parsley, rice, green vegetables, watercress, wheat germ, brewer's yeast, and yoghurt. Gemini Ascendant may have a hard time committing to one path. The air and the fire element are combined in the Scorpio sun with Gemini rising, and thus will possibly trigger energetic spring tides, due to the passion and profundity of the Scorpio sun and the mental agility and curiosity of the Gemini rising. You live in the moment, and want to do everything at once. . The ascendant sign is often referred to as the "first impression" sign because. Their concern is practicality and not aesthetics, which they pay no attention to. People probably want to tell you about all of their problems and expect that you will not only understand, but empathize. When you are Gemini ascendant, people tend to think of you as talkative, interesting, and happy; the kind of person that they would like to spend time with. You are the eternal student. They usually have a very characteristic style created by agility, lightness, and pleasant features. Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Pisces, you might take on the following characteristics: Physically speaking, Pisces people are often plump and of average stature because they are a sign of absolute absence of differentiation. Due to Gemini Ascendants wide range of interests, you may see that showcased around their house. The following foodstuffs are good for you: apple, cherry, ginseng, French bean, fish, grape, juniper berry, olive, pear, red currant, rosemary, thyme, and leek. Gemini ascendant men can seem like your typical playboy without a care in the world. Communication is important to this person and he or she may be extremely talkative. A Gemini Risings home is a direct reflection of their personality and as their interests change, so will their home. The duality in their personas or The Twin symbol can be reflected in their energetic and impatient nature combined with a shy, relaxed and reserved personality. You are able to swallow amazingly big quantities of food, probably in order to replenish the huge energy used up during your sports feats or your thundering fits of anger! Gemini rising appearance This sign is so unstable and changeable that any planet present close to the ascendant can strongly alter a person's appearance. It is always amazing for an astrologer to compare the natal chart of a person with his father and his mother's charts. They may be different from your outward appearance, which is influenced by your Ascendant sign. One of the downside to their personality is their inability to control their temperament. Their favourite colours are indigo and all hues of dark blue. Anxiety sets in for the Gemini rising whenever they surround themselves with people who cant match their need for deep, intellectual conversation. The British chic may be one of their favourite attires. You may suffer from constipation or other digestive problems. Further, their core features are embellished with long arms . can also apply to mercury in the 1st house/conjunct the ascendant/gemini sun. Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Cancer, you might take on the following characteristics: Physically speaking, Cancer people have round-shaped features and tend to become stout when they reach their thirties. A Gemini ascendant has the gift of the gab and is great at communication. Potential dangers stem from excesses or carelessness related with sexuality. We earn from qualifying purchases. Within that, however, there are personality tendencies which feature a mental Mercurial approach, which can be both intellectual and social. Of these three, the rising sign is the most personal. Let's get back to our Taurus Sun with a Scorpio Ascendant example. You may also be affected by respiratory troubles such as asthma during your childhood and by infections or flu when you become an adult. Here is a selection of thousand of horoscopes having the Ascendant in Leo. The height is small to average. Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Capricorn, you might take on the following characteristics: Physically speaking, Capricorn people are quite slender, bony, and of small to average height. While their actions can hurt others, it is never deliberate. The selection criterion of the celebrities quoted as examples is the Ascendant. also very obsessed with my appearance and have wanted/still want several cosmetic surgeries to fix minor things that my friends either don't notice or say aren't an issue. Your email address will not be published. Their skin tone having a touch of blush to it, and their hair is usually darker brown. These curious twins are terrific . How Attractive are Gemini Rising Natives? Can you tell someone's sign by their physical appearance? * Introductory offer valid for the first 10 minutes of your consultation after customer registration which requires your first name, name, postal address, email, phone number and a valid payment card. This duality in this case presents itself in mood swings or their temperament. the lessons that need to be learned are either easy and related to mutual . Furthermore, since Mercury is their ruler, Gemini people are real chameleons which adjust to all situations and rapidly correct they appearance according to the context and to their best interests! Gemini rising makes an excellent match with Aquarius rising, who matches Geminis confidence and curiosity. Your health is usually good, but the lack of physical exercise may prove harmful. You find everything interesting and fascinating. In any case, they are well-built and very resistant. They are incredibly lovely and charming. Log in. They are overall skinny and don't really have any matter with weight. Your appetite is quite moderate, and in some cases, you do not feel hungry at all. You are able to suddenly change your eating habits on a whim. Their look may be either eccentric or serious. The Gemini rising sign lends to those born under this sign a two-faced personality, one that is more human than any other. She likes men who are easy going, has new ideas and has big dreams. Gemini is accordingly excellent at guiding change and transformation. The influence of the Gemini ascendant can be inspiring for the Virgo sun and helps to live out their creativity. Born with the Moon in Capricorn, you are likely to be innately responsible, pragmatic and measured in the ways that you respond. Capricorn rising: Prominent cheekbones and heavier brow bone + eyebrows. Other Taureans and Gemini's, Virgos, Capricorns, Pisces, Cancer's, Libra's, Aquarius, Aries, Leo all work well too! Libra's favourite colours are all the hues of blue and red. A Gemini ascendant male will be a sincere lover or husband later in his life when he himself is convinced of his womans love for him. The Gemini Ascendant is also called the Gemini Rising Sign in your horoscope. Many feel their upbringing lacked some warmth. Her sense of privacy and freedom is important to her and she will eventually marry later in life taking good care of her husband and children. Gemini ascendants are curious by nature and have a knack for knowledge and earning. For a Libra ascendant, love is the be all and end all. We took the Sun sign as criterion whenever we deemed that the outward appearance agrees well with the astrological sign typology. Here is a selection of thousand of horoscopes having the Ascendant in Libra. This can include personality, behavior, compatibility with other signs, and even your appearance. In the second part, you are very likely to be more fulfilled and start to enjoy your food. Gemini ascendants are good at multitasking and they do not entertain a single career option. They do not necessarily like the homely girl but like their partners to be outgoing and creative like them. Regular bodybuilding exercises may be a great help in controlling your overflow of energy and letting off some steam, at times. Your Higher Journey is bursting with free guides and articles on Astrology, Numerology and more to help you decode your destiny, discover what was written in the stars at your birth and how it affects your personality and your life. However, for the sake of your health, you ought to force yourself into eating more, particularly during the first part of your life. Their favourite colours are yellow and silver. Indeed, your nature is so nonconformist and original that you seem to give your eating habits a cyclic pattern. Their arms and legs are typically long and slender as well. It also affects their compatibility with other signs. Men born under Gemini ascendant live for the moment and for enjoyment, but they want everyone to be happy. If you have Gemini rising in your chart, you may appear to . The Gemini Rising Personality is reviewed and analyzed in this special report. Natives born in Gemini Ascendant or Mithuna Lagna have an inquisitive nature, a desire to move around, a need for freedom, and to form connections and gel within their social circle. Below are the core features and characteristics of a Gemini Ascendant. However, we think that it is interesting to try to provide a few concrete indications which proved accurate quite often. Their favourite colours are all the hues of red, orange, and indigo. This is precisely how they can be recognized! The person dating her needs to be patient and if she feels like it she can easily cheat on her man with no remorse. Your health is very strong. If your rising sign is Gemini, people perceive you as bubbly and talkative. They have pretty angular eyes. There is no weight problem in sight since you are not too interested in simple terrestrial pleasures. This doesnt mean that you are overly humble, but you certainly arent self-entitled. They dont like to feel restrained or tied down, and they dont want a partner who is emotionally dependent on them. Your email address will not be published. These individuals can suffer from ailments such as tuberculosis, asthma and anaemia. Gemini Ascendants are capable and knowledgeable, and they enjoy the company of people who are on a similar wavelength. Indeed, two types of personalities may be found in Leo, the Herculean type and the idealistic type. Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Scorpio, you might take on the following characteristics: Physically speaking, Scorpio people are quite sturdy and often have wide strong shoulders. Explore your Gemini rising sign and find out what it means when your Ascendant is Gemini. He is attracted to women who are strong, responsible and does not bombard him with questions all the time. Air sign ascendants often have long limbs. these people are gifted with a dynamic and outgoing personality, Is Gemini Man Jealous When In Love (5 Obvious Signs To Discover), Gemini Emotional Problems: Top 4 Things You Need to Know, Gemini and Sagittarius Sexually: When These Two Signs in Bed, What Does Gemini Look Like (a Glimpse at Their Appearance), When a Gemini Woman Ignores You (with 4 Common Reasons), Gemini Man In Bed (With Top 9 Secrets To Attract Him), What Does Gemini Man Like In A Woman (6 Secrets EXPOSED). For instance, if you are a Taurus with a Scorpio Ascendant, your must FIRSTLY read Scorpio for hints on health, behaviour, and above all, physical appearance and food. They can either be a jack of all trades, or they can move around so much that they master nothing at all. They are all about enjoying life and dont tend to embrace responsibility. The following foodstuffs and trace element are good for you: fruits and dried fruits such as pineapple, mango, banana, almond, hazelnut, cashew nut, and blackcurrant, black radish, linden, magnesium, hawthorn, and royal jelly. But, while few people would think you unintelligent, many assume that you are unreliable. In matters of the heart, they will attract an array of different signs. How people see and perceive you, and your general outlook on life. They enjoy and value their freedom and do not like others infringing on their personal space and independence. Appearance. As a result, air signs are also good communicators, researchers, and journalists. You are not a vegetarian, and like a lion, you enjoy eating double or triple servings of grilled meat. The Physical Appearance Of Gemini Ascendant Since our rising signs have such an influence in the way we present ourselves, it also plays a role in our outward appearance. The following foodstuffs are good for you: anis, avocado, carrot, celery, cheese and dairies, cumin, fennel, linden, marjoram essence, pineapple, raisin, spinach, turnip, and wheat germ. Gemini ascendant women are incredibly charming and engaging. In this article, we deal with the physical appearance, health, and dietary habits which are associated with the Ascendant or the Sun sign. As a result, Hallyday's physique is much more a blend of Gemini and Leo, with the strength of a most harmonious Mars in the 8th House, than a representation of Virgo. In this article, we will discuss the meaning of rising signs and their basic characteristics. Gemini rising isnt afraid to jump into any situation. 35. Your potential weak point is the intestines, which are ruled by your sign. This sign indicates how you engage with the world. They will always hold their head up high and get through any challenge that life throws their way. Their eyes generally have a hazel or greyish tint in them. Often they have pointed chins and straight noses. You are somehow invulnerable, and you take full advantage of it. Your Sun sign is Taurus, which means that it is only when people know you well that your Taurus traits become obvious. The physical attributes of Gemini ascendants is characterized by a tall stature with a slender, athletic build and they generally do not have a rigid or inflexible body. The following information applies to pure signs. Potential diseases may be related to joint rheumatisms, temporary paralysis, arthritis, or benign skin conditions. Interestingly, members of this sign often have smaller-than-expected ears. They enjoy intellectual debates and exchanging ideas. Gemini Ascendants are often tall and slender with an athletic build. Aquarius rising is highly independent and wont chase or compromise for Gemini, which keeps your short attention span engaged. These individuals are unpredictable and are naturally sensual. As a result, you tend to think that it is best to adapt yourself to different situations, rather than play the I dont change for anyone card. Your nervous system is excessively called upon, and your capacity to ask yourself questions is unreasonably high-strung. Remember, even nano-seconds matter in determining the ascendant sign since the Earth rotates. "Libras tend to be coaches or agents or representatives. However, owing to your tormented nature your propensity to take risks, you are prone to numerous more or less severe accidents. The latter is more moral and spiritual, and the former, practical and much more physical. Sometimes it can seem their mood swing appeared out of nowhere; its something they must learn to control in order to fully thrive within their life. They will adorn their walls and shelves with meaningful objects and pictures. Even if your lips aren't plump or you consider them "thin", their puckered shape is considered attractive. She likes being complemented and flattered. They are optimistic by nature most of the times and the betterment of society or humanity as a whole is also their cause for concern. As a final result, you eat more often than you reasonably should. Having duality in mind more often uncertain or wavering mind. It's based on the exact time, location, and date of your birth. They dont tend to trust that you will turn up, or that when you are there you will have the right mindset to help. Here is a selection of thousand of horoscopes having the Ascendant in Pisces. A Gemini Ascendant will have their hand in many projects or subjects; they have a wide range of interests which is what helps them connect with people from all walks of life. Besides, you can hardly take big meals. His partners may end up felling insecure or jealous as he has many admirers around him. They face a lot of enemies in their life . In terms of least attractive traits, DeFranco notes Aries rising can be domineering, bossy, and their determination to get results may result in not considering the feelings and desires of others. A conservative person is not the right choice for her. They believe in the idea of having a smooth and peaceful life and leave no stones unturned to achieve the same. Here is a selection of thousand of horoscopes having the Ascendant in Aries. However like her male counterparts, a Gemini ascendant female will marry a couple of times in her life as she falls in love quite often. Your behaviour is quite unusual in this field too. to a total lack of interest in them, and then, you eat nearly anything. Your Gemini Ascendant (or Rising Sign) reveals the ways in which you present yourself to others and how you immediately respond to the world around you. Credit card and 10 minutes purchase required. It is also recommended that you do not get rid of your frustrations by eating chocolate, cakes, hearty dishes, and wines! Physical appearance. It is strongly recommended that you tackle this issue in order not to suffer from high blood pressure or more severe disorders affecting the liver. Venus is also the lord of houses 5th & 12th to Gemini. A mild diet once in a while may do you a lot of good, but if you don't like this idea cultivate your garden and quietly try on a few outdoors activities several times a week. This post may contain affiliate links. We will also explore the compatibility [] Example : Actress and model Latitia Casta. It goes without saying that your life is not a long quiet river Scorpio rules the reproductive organs, the sex, the prostate gland, the anus, and the intestines. You are particularly resistant, actually, the most resistant sign of the Zodiac with Capricorn, and you always recover remarkably well. Simple and wholesome dishes may become a source of pleasure, even though it is obvious that you will never be a Gargantua, the legendary giant devised by French Renaissance author Franois Rabelais. In addition, your extreme sensitivity and your mood swings may play tricks on you in the long run and cause stomach pains, anguish, and tears. Those who befriend a Gemini Ascendant are in for a treat, as they will always be included in their travel plans or social events. They are always turned on by women who are pragmatic. Your health is good owing in particular to your constant concern to remain beautiful, young, and attractive. The excitement of chasing the next great story is enough to keep them hooked for the long run. virgo rising - mostly accurate. Your appetite is not too strong because it is not in this area that you find pleasure. Their favourite colours are black and all the hues of gray, green, and brown. If there are 3 or 4 out of 5 personal planets (the Moon through Mars) in Leo, it becomes obvious that you partially take on Leo's characteristics and that your appearance fits more Leo description than that of Scorpio. When practicality and activity combine . Red pinkish complexion and nose inclined downwards. Restrictions may apply. You must start to be careful about what you eat as early as possible since, as the saying goes, prevention is better than cure You tremendously enjoy good dishes in rich gravy, and creamy desserts or ice creams, and therefore, you must be vigilant! In the long run, you may undergo drawbacks, which are the consequence of your intense lifestyle, in the areas of physical expenditure, sexuality, or food. If Gemini is ascendant in your natal chart, this means that Gemini was the constellation on the horizon at the time and place of your birth. Like any element of a star or birth chart, this doesn't have any impact on someone's appearance. When ascending, the body is straight and generally slender and rather tall. They are of slim build and of average to tall height, with a supple, slender, and nervous musculature. They have regular and pleasant traits, dark and thick hair, and their hairstyle is either sober or unusual. They may not necessarily be pale but have a healthy tone in their skin which may be reddish or a natural blush. Aries. Gemini Rising Female Appearance Thin bodies and small features, Gemini Ascendant women are youthful looking regardless of age. This rising sign suggests a petite body type. You dont mind failing or looking silly, as you know that it is part of the process. They are likely to have a nervous breakdown and suffer from chronic anxiety. You often go after people that you are attracted to, but you know arent good for you, simply because you know that it will be an adventure. Pisces being in the tenth house brings about the indecisiveness in deciding on their singular career path and the unwillingness to settle down. The rising signs reveal people's personality traits and can help them understand themselves better. Furthermore, your innate propensity for moderation constitutes an automatic defence against potential weight gain and aggressions resulting from careless eating patterns which are inappropriate for your lifestyle. She is of a relaxed temperament with a positive outlook in life. A native of this ascendant is quick to come up with new and fruitful ideas both in their academic and professional fronts. Your sense of fairness is very noticeable. If you are Gemini ascendent, you are also likely to fall for Sagittarius, who has an adventurous heart that will call to yours. The Gemini sun Sagittarius rising alliance is a highly original personality. You may even find a few photos from their different spontaneous adventures. The characteristics of this sign will explain volumes about how you come across to others. Here is a selection of thousand of horoscopes having the Sun in Gemini. Love and Marriage for the Gemini Ascendant. Of course, this doesnt mean that no one gets hurt. While Gemini rising women fall deeply and seriously in love and may consider each new partner the one, their relationships dont tend to last long. In social situations, they are seen as engaging and interesting because of their diverse knowledge. To know a person's rising sign, they first need to know their sun sign.Knowing what time a person was born can also help. You always have in mind the balance of your diet. You find it incredibly easy to speak to other people, and you arent concerned about embarrassing yourself or not being liked. They have big kind eyes and sparkling smiles. Whatever they decide to do it must hold some meaning or purpose to their lives. Gemini rising can seem like they change for their partner. It is his relentless charm and love for life that initially attracts his lover or partner. Here is a selection of thousand of horoscopes having the Sun in Scorpio. Here is a selection of thousand of horoscopes having the Sun in Sagittarius. Appearance: Tall and often slim, their active nature rarely allows them to grow overweight. One month they may be into abstract art and have their home covered in different paintings, and the next month they could decide they want a minimalist home and re-decorate all together. A Gemini ascendant may suffer from minor speech impediments. You find the world fascinating and enjoyable, and you live in the moment. You appreciate more than most that the terrible lows are needed to make the highs even better. But they are highly charismatic and have good hearts, so people tend to support them through thick and thin. Being an airy sign the Gemini ascendant is blessed with a prowess for mental ability surpassing their physical abilities too. A Gemini ascendant is prone to have medical issues related to their hands, fingers or forearms. Your health is quite frail because you are sheer sentimentality and your nature is not too physical. So the Gemini ascendant borns will, deal and write about stock market, sports, politics, arts and literature, religion and Vedic rituals, will paint with pure imagination, will have intelligence, will have attractive physique and will perform obscene dances. Their ability to make conversation with almost anyone is admirable and one of the many great traits about this placement. While you might have big reactions to things in the moment a friend might reasonably fear a drink in the face you dont hold onto things or over-analyze in the aftermath.
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