For example, we expect students to arrive at a lesson on time and complete their work. So where it was once considered that women did not have equal rights and that people of colour were not equal, now we rightly believe that everyone should have the same rights regardless of their gender or colour. Laws are not enough to keep a society peaceful and conflict free. Which they broke the law when they ate from the forbidden tree. This means that the judiciary bases their legal decisions on what is written in the Constitution, and on previous court rulings in similar cases. Dissemination of the work load. In the United States, we have written laws in place to help us settle disagreements peacefully through a fair system of justice. An example and reason why a civil behaviour is required is so everyone has democratic rights. These laws protect us against crimes like murder, robbery, rape, and assault. Most of us, most of the time, conform to the guidelines provided by the roles we perform. This is the main reason why ethics are important. Why are rules important to both communication and society? Accounting is concerned with collecting, analysing and communicating economic information (Atrill & McLaney, 2004, p1). How many times a day does someone tell you what to do? Maybe we should be envious of their determination to go against the grain of society. These are some of the reasons why most people, most of the time, conform to social . Everyone should have a civil behaviour; meaning to . When kids are young, they want to do what they want to do. Everyone should have a civil behaviour meaning to be courteous and polite to others. There are many reasons why it is important to have rules, some of which include: Safety: Rules help to ensure that people are safe and protected from harm. No man is above it, and no man is below it.". Also, the violators of these rules are often handled by the penalties which the laws of the land for the violations. The rule of law gives everyone a framework for how to act and operate. Students in high school are often reminded of safety rules that they learn as children, like how to behave on the school bus and what to do if there is a fire drill. . Perhaps we envy them their willingness to break away from the norm. Any company that does not have functional rules will have a non-cooperative work culture. Rules are also made to maintain uniformity in some places. Authority can be used to provide order and security in people's lives. Come to class and hand in assignments on time. But the rules of each one help them to function. This is in order to live a happy life. Each social role carries expected behaviors called norms. The Freeman Online is an online magazine that provides tips and tricks on different categories like Business, Technology, Finance, Lifestyle, Health, Travel etc. There exist some differences between both terms. The rules are actually good for most people. Why are rules important in social being what would happen if there are no rules in the society? How often do you have to stop yourself from doing what you want, because you know that this action is prohibited or wrong? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". However, laws have to be respected, otherwise there is little point in them existing. The members of the society change such rules according to the need of time and situation. Etiquette - rules of conduct concerning matters of relatively minor importance but which do contribute to the quality of life. Laws provide us with a sense of security and stability which is essential for society's survival. It makes for a stable office environment where people feel safe to come to work, to be themselves and to go about their business. 2 Why are laws and rules necessary in society? What experience do you need to become a teacher? Solving The Mystery, Top Factors To Consider When Buying Night Vision Goggles, Payroll Deductions: The Ultimate Guide For Business Owners, How To Wash Barefoot Dreams Blanket: A Step-By-Step Guide. Rules and regulations as mentioned are put in place to provide order and standards in the school and any breach can create an imbalance. Rules are important as families and citizens have to live their lives in a happy but safe state. They allow you to fit in and have friends. The words Equal Justice Under Law are engraved on the front of the United States Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C These words embody the ideal of the RULE OF LAW, which is at the heart of our American democracy. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. In the United States, it seems like we have laws, rules, and regulations to oversee just about everything. All societies, whether free or not, need limits to protect the rights of the individuals who comprise that society. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Rules are an important part of society and are necessary for maintaining order and ensuring that people can live and work together in harmony. Everyone should have a civil behaviour meaning to be courteous and polite to others. Standards are an important part of the social system, going hand in hand. At its most basic the rule of law is a tool to protect citizens against their Government to ensure it does not treat them unfairly or arbitrarily deprive them of their rights. The laws listed above provide safety and stability to the society, so it is very important to follow these laws. In short, the importance of maintaining rules and regulations are as follows: Keeping the employees safe; Following state and local laws; Reinforcing company goodwill and creditability; Ensuring a positive image towards the customers; Upholding the company image towards its stakeholders; Employee vs. Rules help to organise society. apply to different situations. Rules that Help Society Get Along & Why We Need Rules For Kids. Foul Language may be offensive to some people, but it isnt illegal. Are rules important in the functioning of human society? First rules are important because they tend to protect the weaker class in the society as they might be disadvantaged if rules are broken. 1). They will vary from one society to another. Created Rules instructs us not to drive your car through a road when the traffic light gets red and not driving into a river are to protect us from harm. 116 Laws protect our general safety, and ensure our rights as citizens against abuses by other people, by organizations, and by the government itself. To see why, imagine a hypothetical society where the rule of law is failing. As a society, we have to evolve and improve. Rule of Law 1 The commitment of the United States to the rule of law means that every person is subject to the same laws, which are enforced in a manner that is just and equal by the court system in order to settle disagreements amicably. These are the questions this page will seek to answer for you. The next major reason of importance of school rule is that it helps create good behavior among students hence maintaining schools good image. But we must always question whether rules are just, and if they need to be changed. As citizens we respect the laws because they are clearly communicated and fairly enforced. Everyone should have a civil behaviour meaning to be courteous and polite to others. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. We feel we have less to lose if we obey the rules. . What happens when we break them? To give a little bit of background of the setting I was in at the time, I was with my mother, younger brother, and my mothers friend at a restaurant in DC for my birthday dinner. Differences of opinion are okay; personal attacks are not. They allow for a cohesive, collective life to thrive in our . If you mean tacit laws directives that are foisted upon the masses by the people in charge then yes society can exist without laws. This is understood in this way because the rules make the coexistence of one with another is possible and more bearable. These exist at the local, state and national levels, and include things like: We also have laws that protect our rights as citizens, and which include things like: This law comes from the judicial branch. It is true that we often admire people who are mavericks. Also, they explain who it covers and show the way it should get implemented. The only thing that separates us how we treat each . To a modern eye, it seems inconceivable that it was ever considered acceptable to own another human being and treat them with cruelty. Without laws, life would be chaotic and there would be no way to settle disputes or disagreements. In our nation we have laws at both the national and state levels. For instance, if we all could do what we wanted to do in traffic, definitely accidents would be the order of the day. From kindergarten to college, there are always rules in school. And so protecting our fundamental human rights must be another key part of the definition of the rule of law. It is normal for each person to have their individual goals but it is even more important for all to work towards a certain defined goal. What Is The Geographical Significance Of The Russian Plain, What Is A Quality That Most Robots Have In Common, What Happens To Material That Is Hotter Than Its Surrounding Material Deep Within The Earth, What Two Factors Determine The Shape Of A Snow Crystal. They prepare children for the real world. As they grow older they develop more abstract thinking, and become less self-focused. BSc (Hons), Psychology, MSc, Psychology of Education. Each of these reasons carries weight and consequences at personal and community levels. 1) Greeting people when you see them. The number of accidents we would be encountering daily if there were no rules. there were a number of societies in the 20th century that were egalitarian and didnt allow any kind of formal leadership or lawmaking. For example, we expect students to arrive to a lesson on time and . There is considerable pressure to conform to social roles. Governments can provide businesses and society with a sense of stability when they have a robust rule of law because this ensures that all rights are recognized and safeguarded. Why should cars be the only ones with the fast access to fast food at their convenience? As Danish scholar Helle Porsdam has said, "Americans practically think and breathe in legal terms.". If this activity does not load, try refreshing your browser. We have laws to help provide for our general safety. 4 What are the benefits of following the rules? Some rules and regulations need to be set to maintain justice and equality in society. If we do not review our rules from time to time, we become stagnant. Norms provide order in society. Different rules. People no longer need to introduce themselves to someone and they can communicate easily via messaging. If people did not have the right to assemble, the living environment in America would be corrupt and, consequently, people would not be as productive at work. They are designed to ensure fairness safety and respect for other peoples right. Giving us a sense of right and wrong. What are various methods available for deploying a Windows application? They help to protect people. So why is it important to follow rules? As children grow they will be in places where they have to follow rules. 3) Holding the door open for others. Similar to societys code of behavior, schools administer to instruct students to engage in proper behavior. The strongest people would be in control and people would live in fear. The judge rules against you because the judge and the customer are cousins. Recently we have seen state and local governments making some laws that may cause us to question the limits of governments power. The police seize your personal belongings. Laws are important for protecting the health, safety and well-being of the public. Laws, like cultures, would become stale if they remained unchanged. To understand the role of the federal courts in interpreting the U.S. Constitution, it's important to understand what a law is, and where our laws come from. Crimes would be committed and there would be no punishment or rehabilitation. Individuals in society coexist by establishing relationships with . The idea of norms provides the key to understanding social influence in general and conformity in particular. 2. It holds people businesses and government accountable for their actions. To understand the role of the federal courts in interpreting the U.S. Constitution, its important to understand what a law is, and where our laws come from. In courts a law is used to settle conflicts among the people. Indeed, they may become even more deeply entrenched in their opinions. Laws that come from the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution, that guarantee our basic freedoms like freedom of speech, religion, and the press. Rules are important because they not only protect lives but also bring a good relationship. Social behavior is structured and organized. One country may conduct matters quite differently from another. You know, the parents that believe that if you talk to your child in a calm and loving voice and tell them that it's not polite to bite other children, will provide healthier results than any kind of punish. It is thanks to those people who spoke against this abhorrent practice and who were willing to campaign to change the status quo that the law changed. Overtime they are ingrained throughout our childhood. The laws of our nation generally arise out of our shared values and morals. Rules are certain styles of conduct that provide a controlled flow of all processes. Rules help define the culture of an organization. Also, a dress code teaches children how to properly dress themselves, which will be a necessary ability later in life. Rules are a set of instructions and guidelines to help guide people's. behavior. Nonetheless, the rule of law is of huge importance. In addition to this, it helps reduce incidences of violent conflict and levels of corrupt behavior. Classroom rules are set to teach student a proper and safe way to act within the classroom and thus, improving the student learning. The age appropriate rules, that the teachers must consider typical behaviors of children in the age group with which they are working and what the children can understand. So far, we have been able to establish that policies and procedures are vital for the smooth operation of any organization. Rules are not a part of society as we know it; they are the fabric upon which societies get built. Structure is very important when creating a Country, city, or government. Why is it necessary to follow social rules? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. For example: President Theodore Roosevelt once said, "Ours is a government of liberty, by, through and under the law. By the time high schoolers go to college, they are considered young . This means that citizens can vote for different rules and laws so people are equal. We should follow safety rules to safeguard our own life from accidents or any serious injuries. Even little ones cooperate better when they know what's required of them, and that helps them gain a sense of belonging & security. According to the students relational rules are the most important in school. Its true that we frequently find ourselves admiring folks who go their own way. To live and function in a society we must have rules we mostly all agree upon. are nece ssar y to protect the grea t er good. Prioritize and establish a few rules that are the most important. Once you are finished, click the button below. During the Adam & Eve time, when god told Adam & Eve not to eat from the forbidden tree of life. Classroom rules are the foundation for a functional and successful classroom in any setting. What are the benefits of following the rules? However, a dress code would prevent such distractions from occurring. Some aspects of why rules are important are: to maintain civil behaviour, be organised, more harmony in the community. Policies establish rules and regulations to guide acceptable behavior and ensure that the school environment is safe for students teachers and school staff. Why are rules or laws important in a society or culture? But rules serve a very useful, indeed essential purpose they act as guidelines so that we all know what to expect from others, and how to conduct our lives. Social roles provide an example of social influence in general and conformity in particular. The answer is simple - they are needed to impose regulation in the society and allows to avoid chaos in everything start from the minor thing and ending with the more global ones. Are they fair and realistic? Rules are important as families and citizens have to live their lives in a happy but safe state. But, it's important to note that not all demographics are impacted equally. Usually they are those things we all just "know" about what is or what should be, and often they are enforced by other people with either rewards or punishments. Dress codes are a necessary aspect of school, and they help teenagers to focus more in school. For example, students, neighbors, and patients in a hospital are all aware of the norms governing behavior. Well drafted procedures can help in removing obstacles and odds that may arise while you are working on a task to achieve defined goals, Employees are the engine room of any organization and rules must exist to guide, individual goals but it is even more important, Why Is My Dryer Wet Inside? Even under these aspects, there are more branches of why rules are important. Rules are established to protect the weaker class in the society since they are at a disadvantage if such regulations are broken. Norms provide us with an expected idea of how to behave, and function to provide order and predictability in society. Anarchy a state of society without government or law./ political and social disorder due to the absence of governmental contro. Ensures that everyone is secure; cultivates social behaviors such as respect and protection of other people and the environment; promotes equality and justice since laws apply to everyone; and specifies the repercussions that one must face for breaking the law. We do not expect people to behave randomly but to behave in certain ways in particular situations. One way in which these expectations become apparent is when we look at the roles that people play in society. They will understand what is acceptable and what is not. This is because regulations act as a guide to the behavior that is acceptable in society. Independent contractor Every organization . If I were a person that believed that laws didnt apply to me and choose to break the speed limit I would be putting many people in danger, but most importantly it would be a detriment to the way society works. because they tell people what to do or what not to do. But official and stern issues cannot get handled based on the behavior of the employees. It also guides us on our way to become the best possible version of our self in the future. Some aspects of why rules are important are: to maintain civil behaviour, be organised, more harmony in the community. When used appropriately rules provide a sense of predictability and consistency for children thereby promoting physical and emotional safety. There are rules that are considered informal like the ones that are set in a home or schools. Breaking these guidelines will result in consequences like being grounded or detention. Why are laws, rules and customs important in society? Licensing for doctors and nurses ensures proper training of the people who look after us, and who often have our lives in their hands. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. When these are applied the right way, they provide a stable environment for people to co-exist, which leads to peace and development. It suffices to say that rules are good for guiding and monitoring the interactions that occur among the members of society. Procedures are often written in an outline format. For my second experiential learning assignment, I decided to break a social norm while going out to eat with my family at a restaurant: granted this is something I have a habit of doing but the reaction I got from my dining mates was particularly interesting this time. Without laws in place to hold people accountable for their actions, there will be people committing crimes without second thoughts. When rules are properly set and followed they provide a stable environment and human co-existence in a community resulting in peace and order. When the rules get broken, it leaves a negative footprint on the organization because the ethics and culture of the organization may diminish. Ms. Allegra need to make sure the rules are age appropriate and culturally responsive. To live and function in a society, we must have rules we mostly all agree upon. Governments can provide businesses . An organization is the type of labor and the kind of work that is been done per time. This, in turn, fosters a peaceful and serene environment for learning to take place. The law allows for easy adoption to changes that occur in the society. ethics, 2018) rules protect social. In the case of job security, it is important to note that when you are obeying the rules of a company, it does not mean that your job will always get secured. The rules and procedures that exist within an organization assist in setting the tempo for the work ethic and culture within a company. In addition to this, it helps reduce incidences of violent conflict and levels of corrupt behavior. This is the most general explanation; however, it covers only the surface of the notion of a "rule.". For instance, if no rule addresses issues like murder and robbery, there is every chance that the crime rate would increase. Rules are important as families and citizens have to live their lives in a happy but safe state. For example, umpires are used to referee baseball games and solve conflicts that may occur. You have to go to civil court because a customer slipped in your store. Answer (1 of 133): Humans have ALWAYS needed some form of structure law-- so that everyone is aware of HOW to act in the society within which they live. It's important that all people understand the basics of law so . Yet to live in a civil society, we must have some rules to follow. Formal norms are established, written rules. They become more proficient of establishing more flexible rules and apply them selectively for the sake of shared objectives and a desire to co-operate. These rules usually differ from one place to the other and the differences are often determined by factors such as social interactions, beliefs, policies, and the method of governance in place. 2) Saying "thank you" for favors. We have been able to establish that rules are very important for any society to make considerable progress. In theory, decrees guide our everyday actions to create an orderly society. What are the benefits of following social rules for an individual and the society? As we know to this day the first law that was put in place, date back to biblical times. Rules are thoughts of as real, unchangeable guidelines. The rules and procedures that exist within an organization assist in setting the tempo for the work ethic and culture within a company. Law has helped society and its citizens in each and every aspect of life. Rules help to organise society. Rules can be broken in a variety of ways. Besides, even the most liberal person would say that some things are unacceptable; without rules, we have an anything goes situation where people are going to be hurt and abused. Morals do not appear overnight. The conduct between people in a society is better because of rules. Hence, for discipline to get maintained in an organization, there is a great need for each person in the company to adhere to the rules outlined by the company. They give you no warning and no explanation. Required fields are marked *. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. 7) Waiting in line politely. Sometimes important rules are codified and applied to everyone in a particular community. Procedures are a process that helps out in policy implementation. Yet they also have the right to speak out when they consider the laws to be unjust, and lobby for changes. Laws, Rules and Customs Worksheet 1. 7 What is the importance of rules in the workplace? . Rules are important as families and citizens have to live their lives in a happy but safe state. Laws help to ensure a safe and peaceful society. Employees are the engine room of any organization and rules must exist to guide them to certain goals and objectives. Even under these aspects, there are more branches of why rules are important. Outside the field of sociology, people often use the term "social order" to refer to a state of stability and consensus that exists in the absence of chaos and upheaval. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. This could possibly lead to student hurting each other physically and, or mentally. It is a political ideal that we should all be fighting for. OSHA safety rules have prevented countless work-related injuries and deaths. Narcotics are illegal in most cases, yet some people would like them to be legal for everyone, while others find them to be a threat to public safety and support current laws. We need education to live our lives at the. Breaking these rules can also break social norms. Reasons for obeying rules include aspects of school life like personal safety, peer consideration, academic reputation and respect for authority. Procedures and rules are two things that define the strength of any organization. At the state and local level, health departments have guidelines that restaurants follow for how to store and prepare food in a healthy manner, so that diners wont get sick. This page defines law, and the rule of law and provides provides historical background on the creation of the Constitution, and the three branches of government. They can also get explained using simple paragraphs and sentences and they show the method of implementation of the rules. Rules teach children self-discipline and help them learn how to make healthy choices. Other people will not respond if we choose a violent or aggressive path. She has an attorney who will represent her at a trial. Rules are set and laws are made to allow people to understand what is expected of them when conducting business. no hitting no stealing). Without laws, our society will not be able to function properly. The law is important for a society for it serves as a norm of conduct for citizens. Every social group is defined differently when it comes to norms; family, School, Peer groups, or Media all influence our norms. This would change all people with a domino effect because when someone disrespects another, that person also starts disrespecting others and so on. In every area of business the rule of law provides guidance and direction (Anonymous, Ms. Allegra needs to consider that the rules she set forth are define the behaviors that she wants the children to demonstrate, and that the behavior expectations are general guidelines for childrens expected behavior and apply across all settings. However, if we explain why we feel changes need to be made, and work to persuade people that our opinions are just, then we stand a greater chance of success. And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits, and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts. Imagine a world without set rules and regulations, a world without order and precepts, such a world would be one filled with chaos and anarchy. Human beings need norms to guide and direct their behavior, to provide order and predictability in social relationships, and to make sense of and understand each others actions. 6. As you step into the street a car speeds through the red light and nearly runs you over. Following rules at home can help children learn to follow rules in other places. Other moral traits, such as purity and wholesomeness, were seen as . Certain rules help a child predict what will come next, such as "Washing their hands before dinner" or "Holding your hand when they cross the road.".